/** @module ego */
/** @namespace module:ego~validators/any */
import fp from '../like.lodash'
import ERROR_KEYS from '../defaults/keys'
import { toValidatorWithArgs } from '../utils'
const required = value => (value === null || value === undefined ?
const allow = toValidatorWithArgs(ERROR_KEYS.ANY.ALLOW, (args, value) => fp.includes(value, args))
export {
* Checks whether value is null/undefined
* @function required
* @memberof module:ego~validators/any
* @arg {any} value any possible value
* @returns {string[]|null} returns one item array with key [{@link module:ego~ERROR_KEYS.ANY|'any.required'}]
* @example
* import { validators } from 'egoist-js'
* const { any } = validators
* console.log(any.required(undefined)) // ['any.required']
* console.log(any.required(null)) // ['any.required']
* console.log(any.required('')) // null
* Checks whether value is related to one of expected values
* @function allow
* @memberof module:ego~validators/any
* @arg {any} value any possible value
* @returns {any[]|null} returns tuple [{@link module:ego~ERROR_KEYS.ANY|'any.allow'}, [...allowedValues]]
* @example
* import { validators } from 'egoist-js'
* const { any } = validators
* const isHelloOrWorld = any.allow(['hello', 'world'])
* console.log(isHelloOrWorld(undefined)) // null
* console.log(isHelloOrWorld(null)) // null
* console.log(isHelloOrWorld('hello')) // null
* console.log(isHelloOrWorld('world')) // null
* console.log(isHelloOrWorld('cosmic')) // ['any.allow', ['hello', 'world']]